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School, University & Learning Management System Software

Reliability is the key factor when it comes to running a School Management System. Any lag or disturbance can affect your reputation. With our experience and state-of-the-art interface designs, we have created Smart school management system in School Management ERP System which is extremely reliable, intuitive, and easy to use. It can cater to all your needs of managing school, college, university and any other educational institution eliminating the tedious manual processes.

With a framework built this solid and reliable, you can never go wrong. Whenever you face any difficulty, our friendliest support team will be with you at every step to guide the process. Once it is set and running, you can stop worrying about the system and focus on the other more important things of your organization. The beauty of automation will be at your fingertips.

Smart School Management System Features Module:


  • Admission Query
  • Visitor Book
  • Phone Call Log
  • Postal Receive
  • Postal Dispatch
  • Complain
  • Admin Setup
  • Setup Front Office
  • Managing User accounts (teacher, student, parent)
  • Managing classes, subjects
  • Managing class routine
  • Managing exam, grades
  • Managing exam marks
  • Sending exam marks via sms
  • Managing Students Attendance
  • Student Certificate
  • Generate Certificate
  • Student Id Card
  • Generate Id Card
  • Managing accounting, income & expenses
  • Student Admission
  • Student Details
  • Student Promote
  • Managing School events
  • Student Category
  • Student Group
  • Desabled Student
  • Managing library, dormitory, transport
  • Messaging between other users
  • Managing system settings (general, massaging , language)
  • Dynamic Role Permission


  • Add Homework
  • Evaluation Report
  • Upload Content
  • Assignments
  • Study Material
  • Syllabus
  • Other Downloads
  • Teacher
  • Managing students
  • Managing exam marks
  • Managing attendance


  • Get children marks
  • Get children payment invoices
  • Get children class routine
  • Messaging with teachers
  • Childs attendance tracking


  • Get class routine
  • Get exam marks
  • Get attendance status
  • Get study materials / files from teacher
  • Get payment invoices, pay online
  • Communicate with teacher
  • Online Exam


  • Fees payment
  • Collect Fees
  • Search fees Payment
  • Search fees due
  • Fees Master
  • Fees Group
  • Fees type
  • Fees statement
  • Reports
  • Invoice
  • Fees carry Forward
  • Paid/due fees statement etc


  • Account Dashboard
  • Profit
  • Income
  • Expense
  • Search
  • Account List
  • Payment Method
  • Bank Account
  • Payment History


  • Staff Directory
  • Staff Attendence
  • Staff Attendence Report
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Report


  • Add Exam
  • Exam
  • Add Exam Type
  • Exam Schedule
  • Seat plan
  • Exam routine
  • Marks Register
  • Exam Attendence
  • Marks Grade
  • Send Marks by SMS
  • Question Group
  • Question Bank
  • Online Exam
  • Date & time organization
  • Schedule notice
  • Instruction
  • Mark sheet & Report


  • Dashboard
  • Class Routine
  • View Class Routine (Teacher)
  • Assign Subject
  • Assign Class Teacher
  • Subjects
  • Class
  • Sections
  • Class Room
  • CL/EX Time Setup
  • Subjective assign


  • Notice Board
  • Send Massage
  • Send Email/Sms
  • Email/Sms
  • Event notice
  • Event Logs
  • Holiday notice


  • Add Book Book List
  • Add Member
  • Member listing & manage
  • Book category/list
  • Issue/Return Book
  • All Issued Book
  • Card issuing


  • Item Category
  • Item List
  • Item Store
  • Supplier
  • Item Receive
  • Item Receive List
  • Item Sell
  • Item Issue


  • Add Home Work
  • Home Work List
  • Home Work Evaluation Report


  • Routes
  • Vehicle
  • Assign Vehicle
  • Student Transport Report
  • Schedule/Routine


  • Dormitory Rooms
  • Dormitory
  • Room Type
  • Rooms monitoring
  • Student Dormitory Report


  • Student Report
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Login Report
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Transjection Report
  • Class Report
  • Class Routine Report
  • Exam Routine Report
  • Teacher Class Routine
  • Merit List Report
  • Online Exam Report
  • Mark Sheet Report
  • Tabulation Sheet Report
  • Progress Card Report
  • Student Fine Report
  • User Log
  • Attendants Report (Teacher & Student both) and Many More…


  • General Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Method Settings
  • Role Permission
  • Base Group
  • Base Setup
  • Academic year
  • Session
  • Holiday
  • SMS Settings
  • Weekend
  • Language Settings
  • Backup


  • Available.

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Client Satisfaction

A culture of innovation at the heart of client satisfaction. Being one of the best digital company. We assure time bound services to our customers and support them in developing winning strategies for their businesses through innovative technologies.

Effective Solutions

We believe in the passion about bringing more with a merciless search of triumph, we begin where other agencies stop. We are professional, experienced and forward thinking, and our great strength is decoding our client’s needs into effective solutions.


Our 5 Star Support Forum is at your disposal 24 to 48 hours! Our support team loves helping our clients. Just give us a contact whenever you’re lost or just need to run some ideas by us! We will happy to help you.


Do you have a technology need, business challenge, or need help with a new business idea? Get in touch with us here and we can help you plan your way forward.
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